Jun 22

Azure – cXML DTD Messages

Following on from a previous post about cXML schemas I show how to migrate a cXML BizTalk solution to an Azure solution Additionally I give a way of

By Mark Brimble

Jun 8

Convert DTD to XSD schemas

This posts tells you how to convert DTD schemas into BizTalk XSD schemas Additionally, I share my experiences working with cXML DTD and BizTalk Server

By Mark Brimble

Mar 25

Azure – XML to JSON Liquid Templates

Following on from my previous posts this time I show how I use XML to JSON Liquid templates In particular I give examples of converting a JSON value to

By Mark Brimble

Mar 6

Azure Flat File Decode – Suppress Empty Nodes

This blog shows an example of a BizTalk Flat file schema with "Suppress Empty Nodes" set to Yes In addition we demonstrate using this in an Azure Flat File

By Mark Brimble

Feb 25

BizTalk360 – Secure SQL Queries

This post talks about using Secure SQL Queries in BizTalk360 To demonstrate I walk though a scenario that shows how to expose BizTalk data to users safely

By Mark Brimble

Jan 27

Azure Logic App FTP Connector and Properties

This blog makes some comments about the Logic App FTP Connector and Properties  In particular it records my experiences migrating a BizTalk interchange to

By Mark Brimble

Jan 26

EDIFACT Content Type – BizTalk

This blog tells a story about the wrong EDIFACT content type on an AS2 payload Additionally it presents a solution to the problem EDIFACT Content Type -

By Mark Brimble

Jan 12

Azure Integration Account XSLT – omit-xml-declaration

This blog shows that Azure XSLT maps ignore the omit-xml-declaration tag  Additionally it discusses some consequences and a workaround The issue with

By Mark Brimble

Dec 15

Exception occurred when persisting state to the database

This is tale about the BizTalk exception in the title and how solve it A Google search reveals that many BizTalk developers have seen this error before The

By Mark Brimble

Nov 12

EDI Party Resolution using the BRE Pipeline Component Framework

This article tells you how to use the "BRE Pipeline Component Framework" to configure EDI party resolution  In the first place, a receive port promotes EDI 

By Mark Brimble

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