The ‘Xslt’ action failed due to incompatible map
This blog tells you about what do if you get this error "BadRequest The 'Xslt' action failed due to incompatible map" in an Azure Logic app" This is all to do
Should we migrate from consumption to standard Logic Apps?
This blogs records why we should migrate our consumption Logic Apps to standard Back in the day Microsoft signalled that we should migrate our BizTalk
Azure IP Address Hell
We have been fighting with firewall inclusions failing for many Azure interfaces over the last month or so A lot of these interfaces have been running for
Division in Logic App Liquid
I choose to write this blog about division in Logic App because I found it quite difficult to implement The problem Implementing the following business
BOM in Azure Logic Apps
This blog tells you about BOM in Azure Logic Apps and what to do about it The Problem This started with a customer request that said "Can the Brand
Remove Azure Logic App Metric Alerts
This shows how to easily remove Logic App Metric Alerts Get-AzMetricAlertRuleV2 -ResourceGroupName 'au-edi-dev-rg' | Remove-AzMetricAlertRuleV2 Why
Logic App Management
Bidone uses the Logic Apps Management Solution to monitor and manage their Logic Apps This solution provides us a summary of overall health of your Logic
AS2 agreements and Azure Integration Accounts
Using this blog you can maintain your AS2 agreements in a Azure Integration account Furthermore, I describe how to maintain EDIFACT agreements too This
Rett Syndrome – Mother of Trofinetide
Rett Syndrome is a genetic brain disorder I don't normally talk about personal stuff on my blog but this is so important that I want to write about This
AS2 certificates and Azure Integration Accounts
This is a story about how to refresh AS2 certificates in Azure Integration accounts Additionally, I will highlight a gotcha when renewing partner