I have got stung by this one again. I have created a WCF-netTCP service and tried to exposed its metadata. I tried all the usual solutions;
- http://rohitbiztalk.blogspot.co.nz/2011/01/exception-root-element-is-missing-for.html
- http://www.dotnetbase.co.uk/post/2012/01/21/Root-element-is-missing-error-when-browsing-WCF-Mex-Endpoint-in-BizTalk.aspx
- http://go4answers.webhost4life.com/Example/exception-root-element-missing-48916.aspx
but nothing worked this time. This is very frustrating because last week on the same server one of my colleagues had deployed meta data service and that worked fine. His deployment no longer works on the server too . At the moment I do not have way to fix this. I installed the metadata web service on another web server on different machine on the same domain and I can browse to that without a problem. I can use this with the WCF test client to do what i want to do.
Does any one have a good test client for a WCF-net TCP service that takes a just WSDL?