Our BizTalk team have been trying to complete a in place upgrade from BizTalk 2010 to BizTalk 2013. The first part of this story can be found here. We completed the upgrade as described in that post but we struck this error and were stuck on it for awhile;
This error occurred whenever we browsed to a web service hosted by BizTalk, in this case http://localhost/ESB.ExceptionHandlingServices.WCF/ExceptionHandling.svc.
This error has been reported before by Vladimir Kirnishni and Sankar Muthusamy with BizTalk 2013. None of the suggested solutions where acceptable to us because in one case the version of the assembly was different and in the other case the solution to just re-install BizTalk 2013 was not acceptable.
One of my very talented co-workers, Mike Laughton found the solution. On examining the GAC after the in place upgrade he discovered that only version and of the offending assembly was present, however the exception was cause because we were looking for version 7.0.2300.0. The version of the assembly at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Enterprise Single Sign-On is 6.0. What on earth is going on?
Mike next checked the BizTalk 2013 feature that had been installed using the add remove programs windows application. He was surprised to find after the upgrade that the enterprise SSO client and server checkbox are unchecked. Armed with this information he ticked both the SSO administration and server options. Before applying the changes he made sure SSO was stopped but alas no changes to the SSO assemblies where observed.
Finally he found the SSO installer on the install media and ran that.
This time he was able to browse to a web service hosted in BizTalk.
We have reproduced this on 3 virtual machine and believe that is a bug in the BizTalk 2013 in place upgrade but this workaround appears to solve the issue.